Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing

  • College

    Georgia Baptist College of Nursing

  • Degree

    Ph.D. in Nursing

  • Location


  • Apply Now

The purpose of the Georgia Baptist College of Nursing’s Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Nursing program is to develop nurse scholars for careers in education, practice, and research. Graduates of the program will advance nursing knowledge, improve nursing practice, and be leaders in the profession. The College offers the following PhD tracks:


Post-Master’s Ph.D.

Student Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the Ph.D. in Nursing program will be able to:

  • Apply theoretical or conceptual frameworks relevant to dissertation research.
  • Present original research that contributes to the advancement of nursing knowledge.
  • Assess the ethical, social, political, demographic, and/or economic factors that can influence nursing practice.

View titles of completed dissertations.


Ph.D. Admissions Requirements

Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing

Program Options

The nursing dean hands a folder to a student

Post-Master's Ph.D.

The Post-Master’s Ph.D. in Nursing is offered as a distance learning program. Admission and enrollment in distance learning programs depend on the state laws where the student resides.

a woman points at words on a white board

B.S.N. to PH.D.

The Ph.D. in Nursing is offered as a distance learning program. Admission and enrollment in distance learning programs depend on the state laws where the student resides.

Mercer graduation stoll

Jonas Scholars

The Jonas Nurse Scholars program supports educational development of new nursing faculty and stimulates models for joint faculty appointments between schools of nursing and clinical affiliates.

Graduate Statistics

Whether you want to enter one of our doctoral programs or attend another college, often a recent graduate-level statistics course is required. Students who are accepted into one of the nursing doctoral programs are automatically considered for placement in our graduate statistics course. Learn more about the statistical course requirement for graduate students.

Loan Program

Mercer University is pleased to receive Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) funding through the Nurse Faculty Loan Program (NFLP). This funding is available to qualified nursing students enrolled in graduate education which includes coursework in nursing education. Funding can be applied towards tuition and fees. Applicants interested in this option are encouraged to contact Dr. Tammy Barbe, associate dean for graduate programs, at (678) 547-6741 or